Raven, Sparrow, and Shelby all had a blast representing McMahon at the Bow Wow Bonanza recently! Thank you to everyone who came out to see us - we hope this is a popular event for years to come! Our high-performing dogs showed they're more than professional bed bug finders. Their stats for the event:
Ravens longest jump for that weekend was 14”9 which was her lifetime personal best.
Sparrow’s longest jump for that weekend was 21”8. Not her personal best. Her PB is 23”3.
Indy’s first time jumping in competition was this weekend. She jumped as little as 7”10 and then her longest jump was 19”1 for her new PB. Indy earned her Dock Junior & Dock Senior in one weekend.
Sparrow earned her first qualifying runs of hydrodash this weekend of 30.832 seconds for the first run and cutting it nearly in half for the second at 16.856. Hydrodash is a timed race where a dog jumps off the dock, swims out to a hanging toy off a rig & the judge calculates how fast they bring it back.
Raven also got qualifying legs in hydrodash.
Raven earned her FCAT (highest level title in fastcat) that weekend as well. A separate sport than dock diving.